
Category: Business Law

Have you noticed that sometimes your contract document is called a “deed”, and sometimes it is called a “contract” or an “agreement”? This month, I...
I’m often asked how I became an engineering and construction lawyer.  I’m not one of those lawyers with a nice, linear career path. It’s been...
Over the last 2 years, I’ve noticed more and more “modern slavery clauses” cropping up in commercial contracts. They tend to be tacked on at...
Don’t be like Bob Bob is a business owner. He’s spent a fortune on his website, polo shirts with his spiffy logo, professional headshots for...
Has a client ever unexpectedly deducted money from your payments? There might have been a set-off clause in your contract. So what IS a set-off...
Sometimes you really need a head start In my last post I talked about whether you need a wet signature on your contract. Here’s another...
Is this a question you’ve thought about before? As in: We’ve done the deal and want to get started. But I want to be sure...
So when DO you need a memorandum of understanding? Let’s set the scene: Your business development manager has identified a white-hot opportunity that ticks every...
Look, I get it. Proposing changes to the contract is hard. It might mean a difficult conversation with your client. But here are some thoughts...
WHS harmonisation finally arrives in WA It’s taken a while (understatement), but Western Australia is finally getting closer to embracing the national harmonisation of workplace...

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